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Planning & consultations

XLCC engages with local residents, authorities and the wider community to ensure that we work collaboratively in developing our capabilities. We will provide up to date details on any planning submissions or consultations on this page along with any relevant links to external information that is associated with our developments.

If you have any questions about any of the information contained within these pages please contact [email protected]

Community Engagement Events

Members of the XLCC team continue to join local communities on a regular basis to provide updates about the Hunterston HVDC cable manufacturing facility. These events will be listed on our News page and on Facebook.

Please see our FAQs below including questions from the events.

How are community updates/events publicised?

We publicise events in a local print newspaper and on the digital site for the paper. Additionally, notices for events are published at and and we send invitations to community councils to disseminate to the community. When possible, we will put flyers up in the local community.

We are looking to expand how we communicate and have employed a Community Liaison Officer that will oversee our events.

What is the environmental impact of XLCC’s operations?

XLCC has submitted a full EIA. We have also appointed an ecologist for the site at Hunterston to ensure that we fully comply with regulations and legislation.

XLCC will have a huge positive impact on the environment as we provide the infrastructure to move renewable power from the source of generation to supply the demand. This will reduce the carbon footprint substantially both nationally and internationally as we shift the reliance away from fossil fuels. There are also some partial offset measures that we will implement such as planting trees to compensate for the carbon released in the concrete manufacture which will be used to build the factory. We would ideally purchase aluminium which has been produced from renewable energy sources.

Find out more information about our environmental impact.

How much traffic (lorries) will come in via West Kilbride?

Details of the planning application can be found on our website.

The vast majority of the traffic will travel to the site from the South, and we envisage that the average number of LGVs (light goods vehicles) during operation per day will be around 43. During construction, this number will increase to around 80 on average. The average number of HGVs (heavy goods vehicles) per day will be less than this number.

Peel Ports are upgrading the rail link within the port area to allow materials to be brought to the site using the rail network. We are planning to use this method to deliver raw materials to the site where possible (where there is capacity on the rail network in the UK and commercially viable). Each train journey could remove up to 60 HGVs from the road. No train journeys were including in the planning application so this would be a direct reduction in traffic movements. The freightliner will use green biofuels, almost half of which is hydrogenated vegetable oil, further reducing emissions in addition to removing road transport.

We are discussing putting a train stop in at Hunterston Parc.

What will the design of the tower be like? Why does the tower need to be so large?

We plan to avoid using dyes or paint on the tower (paint would require a substantial amount of plastic would be used within the paint system). A concrete tower would be the most appropriate for the location (given the average cloud cover, visibility, etc.).

The extrusion tower is a fully enclosed essential element of the manufacturing process providing the highly important insulation for the high voltage cables which are manufactured in the factory. The tower will house 6 x extruding machines which will be used to apply insulation to the conductor.

This process will not release anything into the atmosphere. The structure is a tower and not a chimney of any sort, it is 185m high as the cooling process requires a vertical installation to enable the material extruded to cure in a circular manner, if this was horizontal then gravity would take the extruded material to the bottom of the cable and the cable would lose its required “roundness”. The height of the tower relates to the speed the extruders are required to operate at, which is approx. 1m / minute. The cooling process takes 180 minutes so this determines the tower height.

What types of job opportunities will there be? (Including local college/university recruitment?)

There are many different types of job opportunities including engineering, testing, maintenance, logistics, research and development, health and safety, accounting, systems, HR and procurement.

We aim to recruit most of the staff locally. This will include college graduates (we are working with Ayrshire college to recruit at least 360 of their graduates between 2023 and 2025). We are working with the DWP to look at hiring unemployed people (including disadvantaged groups who may be long term unemployed) and also other local businesses who are ramping down their own staff numbers. In addition, we are talking to Universities in Glasgow to look to recruit some of their graduates from 2024.

The factory will operate 24 x 7 for 350 days per year. There will be a 2x shift system for the factory staff although the office based staff will work in normal business hours. Anyone working on shift work would need to be available to work during the required hours.

What sort of community programs will XLCC be running?

There would be various types of support for local charities and communities. These would be selected by the employees (probably on a rolling 12 months basis). They would also be enabled and facilitated by paid days off for that support.

What will be done to ensure the procurement strategy for materials, etc. is local?

As part of the Environmental, Social and Governance plans for XLCC which were exhibited at Millport, there is an intent to purchase locally where this is commercially viable. This includes the transport and the carbon footprint cost rather than simply a “price per unit”. However, there are some materials (such as the XLPE – the insulation for the cable) which are only produced internationally, so these will have to be purchased overseas.

We intend to publish targets for local procurement content. This will include via our main contractor for the build phase and also by XLCC for the production phase.

What will the factory look like from different perspectives? Fairlie, Cumbrae, etc.

We are sharing images of the factory from different locations in line with the planning requirements. We are also showing a 4D video of the construction process and images of the finished factory at the public communication events which are being held locally each month.

Will the tower disturb any signals to TV, radio etc?

No, it will not.

Should the company be focussed on the support for tidal projects rather than solar projects?

XLCC is a manufacturing company that will supply the infrastructure to move renewable power from the source of generation to the place of consumption. We are producing High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) cables. The current economics of renewable energy projects allows solar and wind power to be generated cost effectively. We would be delighted to support tidal power generation when this is commercially viable.

What considerations is XLCC making for women in engineering?

We intend to provide public liaison through a locally hired member of staff. This will facilitate awareness of STEM careers that are available to a diverse range of candidates. We intend to present to high schools and primary schools as part of this process. We will also organize factory tours to encourage STEM awareness.

Will there be any screening around the site apart from the Paladin fencing?

There are no plans for any additional screening to that already proposed.

Is piling required for the tower?

The tower will be built on bedrock below the ground level. This will be constructed on “concrete raft” which is the accepted process for this type of building on the ground conditions found at Hunterston.

Can XLCC provide more details on the jetty?

We will provide drawings during public communication sessions once the revised design of the jetty is complete. We are seeking to reduce the height of original plan.

The conveyor will start at 8m high but will then drop to a much lower level once the railway has been cleared. It is anticipated that this will be below 2m.

Hunterston, North Ayrshire

Ref: 22/00133/PPPM 

Planning permission has been granted in principle for the erection of a high voltage cable manufacturing facility, including detailed planning permission for the construction of an extrusion tower with associated factories, research and testing laboratories, offices with associated stores, transport, access, parking and landscaping with on-site generation and electrical infrastructure and cable delivery system at the former coal terminal Hunterston, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. 

More details can be found at the Local Authority website

A public consultation took place at Fairlie Village Hall on 11th-12th May 2022. Read our notice.

Date published

Document type



15 Mar 2022Consultation ResponseHse – onr responseDownload
14 Mar 2022Consultation ResponseFlooding responseDownload
01 Mar 2022Consultation ResponseWater responseDownload
25 Feb 2022BackGround PapersTrnpa1Download
Planning Application Pack
18 Feb 2022DrawingSite Location Plan 10KDownload
18 Feb 2022DrawingMasterplanDownload
18 Feb 2022DrawingParameters planDownload
18 Feb 2022DrawingParameters masterplan overlayDownload
18 Feb 2022DrawingSite sectionsDownload
18 Feb 2022ReportCover LetterDownload
18 Feb 2022ReportPlanning StatementDownload
18 Feb 2022ReportOutline Design ReportDownload
18 Feb 2022ReportTransport assessmentDownload
18 Feb 2022ReportPre-Application Consultation ReportDownload
18 Feb 2022NoticeApplication Notice letter to Peel PortsDownload
18 Feb 2022NoticeComplete NoticeDownload
Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Volume 1: Text)
18 Feb 2022EIANon-technical SummaryDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAReport Volume 1 – Main TextDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 1 – IntroductionDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 2 – Project DescriptionDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 3 – Need and AlternativesDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 4 – EIA MethodologyDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 5 – Ecology and Nature ConservationDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 6 – Historic EnvironmentDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 7 – Landscape and Visual EffectsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 8 – Hydrology and Flood RiskDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 9 – Hydrology, Geology and Ground ConditionsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 10 – Traffic and TransportDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 11 – Noise and VibrationDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 12 – Climate ChangeDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 13 – Air QualityDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAChapter 14 – Socio-economicsDownload
Environmental Statement (Volume 2: Figures)
18 Feb 2022EIAReport Volume 2 – FiguresDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA1.1 Site LocationDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA2.1a Parameters Plan (factory)Download
18 Feb 2022EIA2.1b Parameters Plan (jetty)Download
18 Feb 2022EIA2.2a Indicative Masterplan (factory)Download
18 Feb 2022EIA2.2b Indicative Masterplan (jetty)Download
18 Feb 2022EIA3.1 Iterations of the parameters planDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA4.1 Cumulative DevelopmentsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.1 Ecology Survey AreasDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.2 Designated Sites PlanDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.3 Phase 1 Habitat Survey PlanDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.4 Protected Species Survey ResultsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.5 Ornithological Designations within 20kmDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.6 Survey Area and Count SectorsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.7 Intertidal Survey Results by SpeciesDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA6.1 Designated Heritage Assets and the ZTVDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.1: Landscape Designations PlanDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.2: Zone of Theoretical Visibility and Viewpoint Locations (50km radius study area)Download
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.3: Zone of Theoretical Visibility and Viewpoint Locations (Site Context)Download
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.4: Landscape ContextDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.5: Landscape CharacterDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.6: National Coastal Character Areas (Seascape Character)Download
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.7: Regional Seascape Character AreasDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.8: Baseline Photography Viewpoints 1 to 29Download
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.9: Baseline Night time Photography Viewpoints 2, 12 and 23Download
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 7.10: Photomontages Viewpoints 1 to 29Download
18 Feb 2022EIA8.1 Hydrological ContextDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA10.1 Extent of study area and traffic data sourcesDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA10.2 Pedestrian isochrone plot from development accessDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA10.3 Cycle isochrone plot from development accessDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA10.4 Core paths in the vicinity of the siteDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA10.5 Personal injury accident (PIA) events between 2016 and 2020Download
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 11.1 Noise Sensitive ReceptorsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 11.2 Baseline Sound Monitoring LocationsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 11.3 Daytime Operational Noise ContourDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 11.4 Night-time Operational Noise ContourDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 13.1 Roads and Receptors ModelledDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAFigure 13.2 Construction Dust BufferDownload
Environmental Statement (Volume 3: Appendices)
18 Feb 2022EIAReport Volume 3 – Technical AppendicesDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA1.1 Requirements of EIA LegislationDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA1.2 Statement of ExpertiseDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA2.1 CoCPDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA2.2 Population and Health StatementDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA2.3 Lighting Impact ReportDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA4.1 Scoping ReportDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA4.2 Scoping OpinionDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA4.3 Scoping ResponsesDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA4.4 Cumulative DevelopmentsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA5.1 Ecology and Nature Conservation Technical Report – Part 1Download
18 Feb 2022EIA5.1 Ecology and Nature Conservation Technical Report – Part 2Download
18 Feb 2022EIA6.1: Heritage Desk Based AssessmentDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA8.1 Flood Risk Assessment and Conceptual Surface Water Drainage StrategyDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA9.1 Desk Top Study and Preliminary Risk AssessmentDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA10.1 Traffic Flow DiagramsDownload
18 Feb 2022EIA11.1 Noise Planning policy, legislation, standards and guidanceDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAAppendix 13.1 – Detailed Construction Dust Assessment MethodologyDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAAppendix 13.2 – Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling MethodologyDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAAppendix 13.3 – Sensitivity Test – Correction FactorDownload
18 Feb 2022EIAAppendix 13.4 – Sensitivity Test – Meteorological DataDownload